Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hay Friends

Hay Friends,
During the last 3 months I have been monitoring and studying the biology and breeding behavior of the Baya waver Bird, which reveled some interesting facts and observations. I would like to share some of this information with all of you. In this process I got an opportunity to draw and paint different aspects of the bird.
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Hoping that you will enjoy this article.

Thanking you
Philip Mathew

Do write to me with your valuable commends and suggestions about this blog or any of the articles I write:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fishing eagle

The picture of a fishing eagle perching on a branch, copped from a photo.

Little Cormorant

A cormorant drying its wings after a morning fishing trip. The bird has specialized oil glands which help the bird to be buoyant in the water. This is a rapid sketch of the bird. The Alanthus tree (maharuk) on which it was roosting has fallen down due to stem rot.