Thursday, January 31, 2008


Scientific Name: Cantella asiatica
Common Name: Mandukparni
Othre use: Can be made into “Tumbli” to eat with rice.
Medicinal Use: Skin diseases, epilepsy, mental disorders, insomnia etc. Method of use: Fresh leaf juice is considered best and given as 1 tsf thrice a day. Also leaf powder is given as 1 tsf thrice a day with honey.

On The Top Of The World

On The Top Of The World: A photograph of a 3 stripped squirrel, on top of Sinhaghad Fort.


Scientific Name: Cissus quadrangularis
Common Name: Kaandvel
Other uses: Also an interesting plant for rock gardens.
Medicinal use: for treatment of traumatic swelling
Method of use: fine paste of the stem is applied externally on the affected part.


Scientific Name: Boerhaavia diffusa
Common Name: Punarnava
Medicinal use: Urinary tract disorders, urinary calculi, generalized oedema, cardiac problems.
Method of use: Roots are dried and powdered which is given as 1 tsf thrice day with warm water.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lemon Grass

Scientific Name: Cymbopogon citrates
Common Name: Gavati chaha

Other uses: for flavoring tea
Medicinal use: Respiratory and digestive problems.
Method of use: ½ cup infusion of fresh/ dried leaves taken internally 3 times a day for both conditions.


Scientific Name: Hemidesmus indicus
Common Name: Anantmul

Other uses: Flavoring tea
Medicinal use: Skin diseases, asthma, general debility.
Method of use: The roots are dried and powdered which is given as 1 tsf twice a day for the given disorders.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Common Name: Brahmi
Sanskrit Name : Brahmi, Sarasvati

Medicinal Use: Epilepsy, mantal disorders, insomnia sterility and as a general tonic.
Method of Use: Fresh leaf juice is considered best and 1 tsf is taken internally thrice a day. If feish leaf juice is not available, leaf powder is given as 1 tsf thrice a day with honey.

Botanical Name: Aloe vera
Common Name: Korphad
Sanskrit Name: Kumari Ghritakumari

Medicinal use: Jaundice, menstrual disorders, skin diseases, scalp disorders, burns, haemorrhoids.
Method of use: For jaundice and menstrusl disorders juice from the pulp of leaves is used as 1 tsf twice a day. For external use the juice from the pulp is applied on the given part.